Moving Trees: What is the Largest Tree That Can Be Moved Safely?

When it comes to moving trees, the size of the tree is a major factor. Typically, a homeowner can safely move a tree with a diameter of 2 inches or less within their own yard. Anything above 4 inches should be handled by professionals. Although transplanting large trees is possible, it requires the right strategies, patience, and experience.

Smaller trees can be moved with a tree shovel, a device that can dig the new hole, as well as excavate and transport the tree. For larger trees, however, more specialized equipment may be necessary. This could include digging, wrapping, or wrapping the root ball and then transporting it by truck. In some cases, cranes may even be used to move the tree.

One example of a large tree being moved is the beloved tree gifted to San Lucas Medical Center by John Muir. The hospital needed to expand and so the tree was moved to a local park. Palms are a little easier to move than other types of trees, but proper tree care before, during and after transplanting is still essential to reduce tree impact, decay and death. Transplanting a large tree from the field to the garden can provide immediate shade, a visual focal point and vertical interest.

This spring, wooden walls and burlap were built around the root system of one such tree before steel pipes and airbags were used to lift it into position. If you are considering moving a tree of any size, it is best to work with a company that specializes in this process. If you're lucky enough to have the opportunity to move a tree in your project, make sure you follow proper procedures for transplanting mature trees. This includes digging properly sized planers during the dormant season and watering properly before and after transplanting. The big difference between moving a smaller tree and a larger one is the equipment needed for the job.

Anyone who has followed the introduction of Dutch elm disease (DED) is already painfully aware of how devastating outbreaks of tree pests can be. Trees take some time to mature and provide their full potential for shade, beauty and other environmental benefits. Luke's Health System told the Associated Press that they loved the tree as much as the rest of Boise but needed the area to expand. When mature trees grow to a point where they get in the way of developing or building on your property, you may need to move them. If the tree needs to be removed but cannot be replanted immediately, it will be necessary to place the root ball in a box and store it somewhere while watering it. If you are considering moving a large tree, make sure you work with an experienced company that specializes in this process.

They will have all of the necessary equipment and expertise needed for safely moving your tree. Once they have excavated the root system from its original location, they will transport all of the earth back to its original location and fill it up.

Bart Preti
Bart Preti

Hipster-friendly travel trailblazer. Wannabe pop culture fanatic. Devoted tv scholar. Passionate pop culture scholar. Devoted bacon expert. Avid coffee lover.

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