How to Safely Relocate a Big Tree

When it comes to relocating a big tree, it's important to consider the species and size of the tree. Generally speaking, any tree with a trunk diameter (gauge) less than 10 can be moved with a shovel. Homeowners can safely move a tree that has a diameter of 2 inches or less within their own yard, while trees with a diameter of 4 inches or more should be handled by professionals. For any transplant to be successful, it is required to obtain a root ball large enough to support the tree after relocation.

We put together the three things you need to know when it comes to finding the best big tree shovel for your needs. However, although the procedure is painless, many large trees end up in the chimney just because many people don't know that they can be moved for reasons such as giving way to construction. In some cases, circumstances such as the slope of the land or the proximity of the tree to a house can make moving prohibitive. The company claims a 98 percent success rate, although Cox insists that it has never lost a large tree that it has moved. When it comes to relocating a big tree, it's important to hire an experienced and certified arborist.

A certified arborist will be able to assess the size and species of the tree and determine the best method for relocating it safely. They will also be able to provide an estimate for the cost of relocating the tree. It's important to remember that relocating a big tree is not something that should be attempted without professional help. An experienced arborist will be able to assess the size and species of the tree and determine the best method for relocating it safely.

They will also be able to provide an estimate for the cost of relocating the tree.

Bart Preti
Bart Preti

Hipster-friendly travel trailblazer. Wannabe pop culture fanatic. Devoted tv scholar. Passionate pop culture scholar. Devoted bacon expert. Avid coffee lover.

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